Total Security Earns A+ Rating From The Better Business Bureau Most of us have heard of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) before. The BBB is a nonprofit organization that provides free informational reviews on the businesses that reside inside the US and Canada. The BBB has a system that rates companies from the best rating … Continue reading
The Top 10 Total Security Tips For Improving Shopping Mall Security Shopping malls are very successful, especially those located in a high-density area. The problem with the shopping malls, however, is that they have many security issues that might arise. Today, we will go over the ten best security tips for shopping mall security. Let’s … Continue reading
A business alarm system is the security industry’s equivalent of insurance. Not only does having one project an air of deterrence against would-be thieves, it also follows up with practical protection just in case they get inside. Visibility is the first defense; launching an adequate defense is the second. Total Security strongly believes in … Continue reading