How Elevated Body Temperature (EBT) Cameras Can Be Used in DayCare Facilities
Lately, there’s been a lot of concern over the effectiveness of utilizing fever detection cameras and elevated body temperature cameras. These cameras play a significant role in a daycare facility. They allow you to take a worker’s temperature within seconds and it notifies the screener immediately if a fever is detected.
As a result, you can take immediate action and prevent the spread of a pandemic by denying a person access into your daycare.
Installing fever detection cameras also gives parents peace of mind that their child is safe in your hands. Babies and children are less likely to become infected with a virus when a facility is able to detect illness beforehand. Prevention is key!
However, installing EBT cameras is not enough — the effectiveness of these systems lies solely on the successful set-up and the preparation of a daycare worker who is pending evaluation.
In order for this to work effectively, it is vital you have access to well-trained specialists to maintain your camera system properly.
5 Important Things Every Daycare Facility Should Do After Installing Elevated Body Temperature Cameras
Here are 5 important things to always remember:
- Select a screening room void of direct sunlight or intense lighting. Keep the person far from any sources of heating.
- Keep the screening room temperature between 68-76. The humidity level should be 10-50 percent.
- Avoid using rooms with mirrors or glass. This includes reflective backgrounds as well.
- Make certain the individual’s face is dry and clean.
- Allow the individual to wait in the screening room for 15 minutes before the actual screening.
For best results, it is highly suggested to wait at least 30 minutes before screening if a person has just performed a physical activity, or exercised.
As you can see, Elevated Body Temperature or fever detection cameras can be used to create a safer working environment for your employees and children in your daycare facility.
Total Security can help you set up EBT cameras in your daycare facility on Long Island, New York and New Jersey. Contact us today! Call (516) 775-2304 (NY Location) or (201) 594-7233 (NJ Location) to request a quote. A+ BBB Rated Security Systems Company.